Thursday, August 11, 2011

Factoidz Review

I have been writing for Factoidz off and on for a year. I have to say this is not a favorite site of mine. They give you a bonus for each article you write, but it is based on nothing really. It can be a few cents or several dollars and you never know which it will be. You get paid residuals on your articles though which is nice. They do now have a few articles you can pick up but nothing that interests me.

The customer support with this company is not good at all. They never respond to emails and they are not helpful at all in this way.

Factoidz does pay on the 1st of the month always no matter how much they owe you. I have never had a problem getting paid by them which is great, but I do not recommend this site. I am pretty much done with them.


  1. Are you able to take the articles back now? Or are you left with keeping the articles there and just collecting the residuals from now on?

  2. Yea after 30 days you can take it down or even post it somewhere else as well so I guess I could move them, but then I lose out on upfront for a few other places so not really sure what is best to do with them.

  3. Thanks for the review, I hadn't heard of this site before.

    I wonder how good the residuals are? I'm not that into writing for a few cents though.

  4. I feel like residuals are good other places, but not so much here. I only make a few dollars a month with about 30 articles up

  5. Thanks for the review. I dont have anything over there. I might go ahead and test the waters. As I have learned with rev sites, what works for one, does not work well for others. A lot of people did not do well with Helium. It was my first rev share site and I did very well. I just need to start writing there again. Same with Hubpages, so love it and do well, others dont do well with it. I have heard the same about this place too. Believe it or not, I even know some who , even after 100 articles still dont do well on AC and I never made a cent with Suite 101. I think it depends on the site and the writer. It just takes time to find a good fit for you.

  6. Chrystal you are so right! I do have a friend that does well on Factoidz. My main problem is the lack of support because they don't respond to emails. I am leaving my stuff up there though and earning my few dollars a month ;) I will add another article every month to see if things have changed. I subscribed to you on there too :)
